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We have been Featured! – Vulcan Post

We have been Featured! – Vulcan Post

It came with a surprise when Victoria Sek from Vulcan Post decided to do an email interview with us, not knowing where and how she knew about us!

All in all, thank you all our students, fans and friends out there who lent us your support throughout this 1 year + of excitement! Can’t wait for more adventure ahead of us and our heads are now filled with a lot of things which we can’t share yet! Maybe some of you who have been coming in and out of our studio might have known something hahaha.

Anyway, wanna take this chance to thank a few of you, namely:

  • Joanne of Music Walker who always sets up opportunities for us via media influence.
  • Clara of Clarambles Creations who never stops creating pretty moving visuals.
  • Denise of The Fort Studios who let us use her creative art space for photoshoot.
  • Eric of Refruit and Steammetry who gave us the creative space that we really need!
  • Zoe of Beary Naise who never fails to create lovely stuff!
  • Dana of Dana Borthistle who always inspires me with her avocado and coffee!
  • Cepheus of Cepheus Chan Photography who took such lovely photos of Silvia’s wedding and her ring holder.
  • Jia Hui of I Bake Clays for the lovely dog tag which made the new owner happy!
  • Hazel of HazelLetter for her ever so lovely floral works which inspires me!

Jing Min, Jing Tzy, Cherry, and all our friends who gives us the energy and motivation to create even more magical works! (I’m sorry if I can’t name all of you)

Share with us your interesting journey in crochet, or if you also run a small craft business, feel free to share with us the joy of doing things that you love!


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