Artist Interview – Mochi Buddies
Over the past few years, there is a growing number of designers. One that has been in our radar for quite some time is none other than Mochi Buddies whom we met in a local craft market in 2018.
Sharing about crafters/designers/artists in Singapore
Over the past few years, there is a growing number of designers. One that has been in our radar for quite some time is none other than Mochi Buddies whom we met in a local craft market in 2018.
Is it Christmas already? Needless to say, it is already the end of year 2020 and I believe that most of us are caught by surprise!
Hello again! We have recently launched our online crochet learning series at! Learn crochet online This set of online classes are suitable for complete beginners to start working on your very first handmade plush!
Hello guys! It’s been awhile since we last blogged. But now, given all the time in the world (ok, maybe not really), we decided to blog again, and this time on the topic of the basic crochet tools you will need if you’re starting crochet today (or tomorrow).
How to read Japanese patterns like a pro in 90min Our lovely ladies from Tiny Rabbit Hole are finally certified! They have completed “How to read Japanese patterns like a pro in 90min“!
Juliet’s Story: How to Become a Professional Crochet Trainer from Having Zero Knowledge Hi everyone! Today, we have something special –
Hello everyone! We have released two new videos to teach you how to felt our Fruits Buffet material kit using a felting needle.
A Day with Glass-painter – Amelia from Sunshine & Love It is Amelia’s birthday today! Very thankful to Amelia for hosting a glass-painting workshop for me despite celebrating her big day with her family.
May the Fourth be with you, fellow crafters! Today, we have a free crochet pattern for Porg from Star Wars, the super cute bird-like creature, to celebrate this iconic day!
With all the bustling going on outside, one can find peace within the realm of yarn and amigurumi! Here we are, introducing the secret place on earth – Tiny Rabbit Hole.