Channel 8 News talking about current trend
Heya! It’s been quite some time since I’ve written my last gossip and I’ve realised that I still have so many things to share with you! But I’ll have to let this piece of news out first, which is our recent feature by Mediacorp Channel 8 News 「流行挖哇WOW」 about crochet and amigurumi. Watch below!
To be frank, I’ve not watched the video yet. Too shy la! Seeing myself on TV. So perhaps I’ll share with you my personal experience on this feature.
It was a surprise yet scary feeling of having to appear on the digital TV. I mean, hey! When’s the last time I’ve watched local TV programs? (Ok, I’m still watching, but I watch on Toggle mobile. In case you’re interested to know, I’m watching The Little Nyonya now haha!) And how is it possible that Tiny Rabbit Hole gets a chance to be on it too! But seriously, we were all super excited about being featured in their news program.
The interview questions took some time to arrive. Answering questions isn’t too difficult. However, explaining in Mandarin is a challenge. I speak fluent Singlish, unfortunately… And then like the whirlwind, the interview started. I barely understood the Mandarin that came out of my mouth. Some behind the scenes below!
I’m really happy that they decided to use our beautiful Yuni Chan and Ichigo Bunnies wall as the background for the shoot!. It was painted artistically by our trainer cum artist Karen and Cindy! So much hard work with designing and accommodating to Terrix’s painful requests, but it’s a legacy that they have left behind with us =))
The interview was very mildly staged, everything was pretty natural. Yijin is very experienced with directing, very grateful for her cues. I remembered she asked me whether I have any 提示 for the audience. I was like huh, what’s that =DD Maybe it’s time to brush up my Mandarin.
We came to the part where I did some simple crochet demo on how amigurumi is being made. At the same time I was observing how the videographer had to take some close ups and wide angle shots to ensure there’s enough footage for the program. I was trying to quickly finish crocheting the head and stitch everything up! My students know how tough it is to stitch and I was doing it on turbo mode :O
Finally after planting a few manes for my unicorn amigurumi, we had to cut short the video and wrap up. So my unicorn only has a few strands of mane hehe!
Karen and I continued into the night to complete Koibito Lovers Unicorn
All in all, it was a very fun and interesting experience to work with the TV crew and experience things that we have never before. Terrix is the most bragful one since he said that he has been on several media channels before (for nothing important) and now he has this to add to his collection!
We hope that more Singaporeans will know about our little secret hideout where Alice found her magical story unfold right in the heart of Chinatown. Feel free to drop by and visit us for a chat about crochet and take some pictures!
Mata ne~